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CGC believes that smaller, ‘shovel-ready’ projects will be a clear winner as a driver of job creation, within the current environment, creating opportunities for Australian-owned SME businesses to deliver works up to $20M.

As procurement and planning is less complex, smaller projects can be mobilised quickly. Nimble local contractors, mostly shut out of the major infrastructure boom by the large international contractors, have good in-house capacities and can deliver less-complex projects in an efficient way. Smaller works are where we predict the additional stimulus and additional investment will be achieved, as opposed to just more big projects.

Shovel ready infrastructure construction road project

The Government’s AU$1 Billion List of Shovel Ready Projects

In response to the economic impact from COVID-19, the Australian Government has announced $1 billion for Shovel Ready Projects that can immediately support jobs. Across the country this initiative delivers infrastructure projects that can get underway right now and over the next six months, providing an immediate boost to the economy and local jobs.

This investment is part of the Government's $110 billion, 10-year infrastructure pipeline, laying the foundations for a post- COVID-19 recovery. The $1 billion list of ‘medium sized’ shovel-ready projects includes initiatives right around Australia, (see full list below).

Improving Regional Roads and Providing Local Jobs

In NSW, one inclusion is the Pinch Point Program, with $120 million each invested by the Australian Government and NSW Government. Commencing in late 2020, the Pinch Point program will roll out small-scale road improvements to address congestion and reduce travel times on the Sydney metropolitan road network.

To make transport services more efficient, works will include intersection upgrades that improve existing traffic signals, additional turning lanes and road widening. The program will support over 1000 direct and indirect jobs over the lifetime of its multiple projects.

In Queensland, making the list is the Regional Economic Enabling Fund (‘REEF’) package of small-scale works aimed at driving economic and regional growth. Local workforces will undertake many of the works, including progressive sealing, pavement strengthening and widening and bridge and floodway upgrades. The REEF upgrades will improve road safety, efficiency and reliability for all Queensland road users.

Shovel Ready Infrastructure Investment Program Projects


Australian Capital Territory

New South Wales

Northern Territory


South Australia



Western Australia

Recruitment insights

There is an established pipeline of work and we project further government funding in the post-COVID world, as government bolsters its investment, creating jobs. CGC helps clients across Australia deliver major projects by finding the best candidates and talent.

To read our expert predictions for the infrastructure, architecture, property development, construction, and engineering recruitment sectors in the coming financial year, and what it means for you, download our CGC in Focus Report.


CGC - Your recruitment partner

At CGC Recruitment, our specialist team of experienced consultants cover all major infrastructure, engineering and construction sectors. We help clients throughout Australia deliver their projects by attracting the best candidates and talent. This sector-driven focus gives CGC a strong understanding of the project lifecycles, government policy and economic considerations impacting our industry and the demand for skilled professionals.

If you’re looking for the right team member, get in touch with CGC and one of our experienced consultants will be happy to help.

If you’re looking for your next career opportunity, you can register with CGC today. Simply complete our online registration, which takes just 30 seconds. Or if you’re looking for something in particular, contact us or search our jobs.

To be involved in projects or to attract candidates that are changing and improving Australia’s infrastructure, connect with CGC today.



Australian Government: Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications


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