Recruiter News and Insights

How recruiters help secure top talent for their clients

Written by Lawrence Allum | Mar 25, 2021 12:00:00 AM

A company is only as exceptional as its people but in today’s hyper-competitive, candidate-driven job market, identifying and hiring top talent can be… challenging! If construction, infrastructure, and engineering companies are to attract, secure, and retain top talent; they need the right strategies, tools, and suppliers in place to help them.

Whilst recruitment is a priority for many businesses, the problem most leaders and HR professionals face is that they have many competing priorities. As such, when it comes to top talent, working with the right recruitment partner can help make any recruitment process stronger, quicker, and more successful.

Download our Ten Strategies to Attract Top Talent

Every business and leader wants the best talent in the market, however, it takes a conscious effort and a mix of strategies to be effective. The recruitment strategies you use can make or break your hiring process and since setting up CGC, over 10 years ago, we have helped many businesses identify, deploy and leverage the right mix of recruitment strategies.

There are, of course, many different strategies that could be used, however, we have found that, in general, there are ten key strategies – to download these, click here.


The benefits of partnering with an agency

Different businesses work with recruitment agencies to fulfill different needs. These can include:

  • Supporting hiring managers
  • No internal capabilities
  • Helping in-house teams during busy periods
  • Hard to fill roles or highly-specialised talent
  • Maintaining confidentiality during a sensitive search
  • Existing relationships
  • Any… many more.

We all know that the basic purpose of a recruitment agency is to help content clients and candidates with their perfect positions. Partnering with a recruitment agency, however, goes beyond that and can be highly beneficial not only to hiring managers but to companies as a whole. Here are five advantages you can expect.


1. Market knowledge

As recruitment needs arise within a business, in-house teams need to work on roles they may not be intrinsically familiar with. As such, specialist recruitment agencies have the personnel that specialise in recruiting for one sector or vertical.

This gives them a deep knowledge of technical roles and the skills needed for them, plus, the market factors clients need to be aware of to find and secure the right person. For example, skills shortages, salary expectations, transferable skills, overseas opportunities, etc.


2. Speed to market

Using a recruitment agency will shorten the time it takes to create a candidate shortlist and ultimately fill a role – increasing efficiency within the organisation. For example, here at CGC, we have access to large talent pools via established databases, a network of connections, and access to systems that helps us locate people with specifics skill sets.


3. Quality control

In any search, businesses can receive hundreds of applications for a job. It takes time and resources to shortlist potential interviewees and typically, only a very small percentage of the applications will be a good client fit. Using a recruitment agency, however, increases a client’s ability to meet with high-quality candidates, without all the noise.

For example, at CGC we use our Contractor Live processes to provide peace of mind to our customers that CGC’s candidates have the necessary background checks, insurances and are payroll compliant when they arrive to work. Our dedicated platform covers: references; insurances; visas; licenses; qualifications; certification; and of course, experience within a role.


4. Reduced risk

Agencies have policies and processes in place, deep market knowledge, and check candidates rigorously. They work day-in and day-out to meet client and candidate needs – with a goal of connecting clients with top talent.

In a small number of cases, however, the placement doesn’t work out. All the best recruitment agencies offer guarantee periods. This means that they guarantee that a new hire will stay at a company for a certain period of time. If a new hire is terminated or leaves before the expiry of that period (depending on the circumstances) recruitment agencies will provide a full refund or, more commonly, find a replacement candidate for no extra charge.

All these factors help to reduce the risk to clients and make using an agency more cost-effective.


5. Candidate management

A lot of the recruitment work happens before any potential compensation comes from a client. Agencies spend time managing candidates and keeping them engaged throughout the recruitment/interview process, on the behalf of clients.

Also, not all the best candidates are actively looking for a new job. Recruiters know who those people are, how to reach them, and more importantly, know how to incentivise them to make a move.

Recruiters will also tend to keep in touch with candidates as they start roles, helping clients to retain their new talent.


In short, choosing the right recruitment agency can help you recruit and retain the right people faster and more cost-effectively! It’s never been easier to save time, source qualified candidates, and fill roles faster than with the help of a specialist recruitment agency – like CGC Recruitment.

Whilst great companies will have strategies in place to recruit and retain top talent, they’re also aware that sometimes they need to work with specialist recruiters.

In the past, the term ‘recruitment agency’ was met with some negativity, however, many businesses turn to recruitment agencies and towards a ‘partner’ relationship between employer and agency. Modern agencies are diverse strategic businesses that get results with a strong sense of client service – both in terms of candidates and their clients.


Are you looking for top talent?

CGC Recruitment is a specialist construction, infrastructure, engineering, and architecture recruitment consultancy. We view our clients as our partners and work closely with them to meet their business needs. We work with some of Australia’s largest construction brands through to specialist SME’s and boutique consultants. We have proven experience delivering permanent, contract, and retained recruitment solutions, consistently providing the right candidates for the right roles at the right time. 

If you have an active role you’d like to discuss or just want to talk to a specialist consultant, please contact us. Alternatively, you can complete our online client form and a member of our team will contact you.

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