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Whilst there have been significant improvements within the infrastructure, engineering, and construction sectors – there’s still a lack of women in our profession. This, of course, limits us, both in terms of the talent companies are losing out on but also the benefits women and gender diversity bring to the industry.

To champion diversity, CGC has been supporting WIDAC - Women in Design and Construction – since it was launched in 2017. Through sponsorship and the involvement of key CGC women, we have helped the organisation grow and expand through Sydney, Brisbane and now Melbourne; with over 35 National and State-based team members, a list of incredible Sponsors, and thousands of members.

Carmel Jones, an Associate Director from CGC’s Building practice, has sat on WIDAC’s Sydney committee for the last three years in various positions. Commenting on CGC’s involvement, Carmel said, “this is an issue close to my heart - as a recruiter and a woman in the infrastructure and construction industry, I firmly believe in what WIDAC stands for. I’m delighted that CGC is a national sponsor and that we have an opportunity to positively impact women’s careers in this way”.

WIDAC offers real, relatable, and engaging events, workshops, and programs for women in the design and construction industry across Australia. Their programs and initiatives support members through networking, mentoring, education, and mothers care packages, as-well-as engaging in charitable work that helps women throughout Australia.

How CGC is Supporting Gender Diversity

Being part of the solution

Businesses are waking up to the need to improve diversity both on and off-site. Far from being a ‘nice-to-have’, bringing in and promoting women can help win more projects and boost capabilities. Changing the reputation of the infrastructure, engineering, and construction sectors as a male-dominated environment, and making women feel welcome, requires a transformation in the attitudes of both men and women at all levels. While improvements have been made and inclusivity has improved, more work is required to attract and retain top female talent within the industry.

Jones, who is currently working on WIDAC’s strategy and development, believes the real magic of WIDAC lies in the community of multidisciplinary women who come together to support each other. “We explore diverse topics, address issues faced by women, develop technical skills relevant to the industry, provide insights and advice for professional development, and explore the human situations we all encounter”, she concluded.

Working with CGC

Many of CGC’s directors and consultants are passionate about inclusion, diversity, and education – not just for women but for everyone who works in our industry. So, if you need to discuss your career or hire top industry talent, we’d recommend a conversation with CGC.

CGC Recruitment is a specialist consultancy with offices in Sydney and Brisbane, and we specialise in roles in the construction, infrastructure, engineering, and architecture sectors at all levels.

For a confidential discussion about your next role or hire, get in touch with CGC and talk with one of our experienced consultants.


Resources and getting involved

WIDAC is always looking for amazing women (and men) to join their community. If you want to get involved, we strongly recommend attending a WIDAC event or workshop, or to sign up and become a member, here.

To read our expert predictions for the infrastructure, architecture, property development, construction, and engineering recruitment sectors in the coming financial year, and what it means for you, download our CGC in Focus Report.

Or if you are looking to accurately costs a new role in your team, try our, “True Cost of Recruiting” Calculator.

CGC Recruitment Cost Calculator Tool

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